Source Code:
Live Demo:
I was tasked with creating a project for my AP Create Task and I wanted to challenge myself by coding an original game from scratch.
The result was Shape Wars, an original game I built with HTML, CSS, and JS! Command the arrow to defend the circle and defeat the enemy waves of triangles. I implemented healthbars, projectile motion, movement with WASD keys, pause / restart functionality, and score tracking with the highest score locally saved.
The home screen:
The rules page consists of three flipcards where I've detailed the keyboard controls and game objectives.
The code below calculates the RGB color of a sprite's healthbar from its percentage. For example, 70% maps to a color between green and yellow and 40% maps to a collor between yellow and red.
// sprites.js; lines 345-372
update(percent) {
// Use percent to determine the color of health bar
// Which is either green, yellow, red, or any intermediate colors
// Calculated with vector math as RGB colors are 3D vectors
if (percent > 50 && percent <= 100) {
const scale = 1 - (percent - 50) / 50
const difference = vector_subtract(this.colors.yellow,
this.color = vector_add(, vector_scalar_product(difference, scale))
} else if (percent > 10 && percent <= 50) {
const scale = 1 - (percent - 10) / 40
const difference = vector_subtract(, this.colors.yellow)
this.color = vector_add(this.colors.yellow, vector_scalar_product(difference, scale))
} else if (percent >= 0 && percent <= 10) {
this.color =
} = `rgb(${this.color.join(",")})` = `${percent}%`